Computers in a library

We look to create a welcoming and inclusive environment — online and in-person — for the community we serve. To aid in this effort, our Board of Trustees has created a set of policies for our staff and community. These policies are regularly reviewed and updated as needed.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call 970-686-5603 or drop us a note.

Bookmobile Policy

The bookmobile is a branch of the Clearview Library District (the District) and operates under district policies, as well as those listed below. In addition to weekly scheduled stops, the bookmobile will participate in major community events whenever possible to promote the District and the resources, programs, services, and activities available for people of all ages. One-time visit requests are considered on an individual basis considering the below criteria.

Check Out Information Policy

Total Limit of 50 items per card.

3 Weeks: New and old kids books, old books, CDs, Audiobooks - with 2 renewals.

2 Weeks: New adult books, CDs, Audiobooks - with 2 renewals.
2 week checkout with 2 renewals.

New Movies (All Formats)
Limit of 4 new for 1 week checkout with 2 renewals.

Old Movies (All Formats)
3 week checkout with 2 renewals.

Collection Development Policy

The Collection Development Policy of the Clearview Library District is intended to guide staff and inform the public of the principles on which the district bases its collection development decisions.

Intellectual Freedom

The Clearview Library District's collection is intended to serve the community's diverse needs and interests and, therefore, contains a variety of materials representing a broad range of subjects and viewpoints. This is in keeping with the library’s mission to Cultivate Curiosity, Enlighten the Mind, and Strengthen the Community.

Copyright Policy

The Clearview Library Board does not sanction illegal use or duplication of copyrighted materials in any form. Library district employees shall neither duplicate nor use copyrighted materials in violation of the exclusive rights of the copyright holder. Furthermore, illegal copies of copyrighted materials shall not be made or used on library equipment.

Donated Materials Policy

The Clearview Library District is unable to accept donated library materials at this time with the exception of current best-selling titles with waiting lists and children’s books in excellent condition that can be used as give-aways for summer programming. 

Emergency Closings Policy

The Clearview Library District is a service organization and will make every effort to maintain regular operating hours. The director or designee will decide if situations, such as hazardous weather, unsafe facility conditions, or other emergency conditions, may necessitate closing the library or cancelling bookmobile stops and will determine the duration of the closing. The Library Board of Trustees President will be notified of closings.

Facilities Policy

The Clearview Library District will provide library service in locations that are convenient and accessible to district residents, with an understanding that location is to be based on both current and future needs. Determination of the approach to providing said services will be based on:

Interlibrary Loan Policy

Clearview Library District provides Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to patrons as a service to supplement its on-site collection with materials available from libraries within the state and surrounding states. In addition, the district seeks to share its collections with those we borrow from in a reciprocal manner.

Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy

1. As part of its mission, the Clearview Library District provides internet access and personal computing resources to registered borrowers. Individuals who do not meet eligibility requirements for a Clearview Library District library card (e.g., visitors from outside the state of Colorado) may present proper identification to receive a guest pass. Guest passes are also available to residents who may have forgotten their library card.

Investment Policy

This policy addresses the methods, procedures, and practices which must be exercised to ensure effective and judicious fiscal and investment management of the District's funds. This Investment Policy shall apply to all funds and liquid assets held by the District.

Meeting Room Policy

Clearview Library District supports the free and open exchange of ideas on a wide range of subjects of interest to the community.  To that end, the library provides meeting space free of charge for local public use regardless of beliefs or affiliations.

Naming Rights Policy


The purpose of this policy is to establish the authority and process for naming and renaming Clearview Library District (Library) buildings as well as interior and exterior spaces associated with the Library, and major programs and collections. Consistent with this policy the specific recognition given to donors may include named spaces, furnishings or fixtures within the Library, placement on a donor wall, and other items that commemorate a gift.

Open Records Policy

Open Records requests within Colorado are governed by the Open Records Act, (C.R.S.24-72-201 et seq. (“CORA”) within the Colorado Revised Statutes and other applicable sections. The Clearview Library District is subject to and will meet the requirements of current state law regarding open records access. Access, process, and the handling of Open Records Requests by the Clearview Library District is determined through the library district’s Open Records Access Procedure.

Photography, Videography, and Recording Policy

Photography, Videography, and Recording by Clearview Library District Visitors

Photography, video recording, and audio recording are allowed under the conditions listed below only to the extent that they do not interfere with the operations, programs, and activities of Clearview Library District libraries or the rights of patrons. Clearview Library District will limit or stop photography, videography, and recording on library properties or inside facilities when such restrictions serve library purposes and support the public’s safety or security.

Postings, Promotional Materials, Displays, and Exhibits Policy

Clearview Library District makes limited, designated space for community flyers, notices, posters, displays, and exhibits available to Clearview Library District nonprofit organizations, agencies, and individuals engaged in intellectual, charitable, civic, cultural, educational, or recreational activities in the library district. The purpose of the designated space is to promote current or seasonal information about events and initiatives sponsored by or benefiting these organizations, agencies, and individuals, which in turn serves to benefit the community.

Privacy of User Records Policy

Clearview Library District (CLD) patrons have the legal right to privacy in their use of the Library as provided for in Colorado Library Law (CRS 24-90-119). This Law protects the fundamental freedom of privacy and confidentiality of a patron’s Library record. The CLD will not disclose information about a cardholder’s record or use of the Library to anyone other than the cardholder (or a custodial parent or legal guardian for minors) without written permission from the cardholder except by subpoena, court order, or where otherwise required by law.

Procurement Policy

Purchasing Policy

This policy sets forth the requirements and restrictions that govern purchases of goods and services for the Clearview Library District. The intent of this policy is to maximize the use of the district’s funds by employing prudent, time efficient, and professional acquisition and procurement practices to achieve the best possible value in meeting the district’s needs for goods and services. This policy is designed to provide sound safeguards, yet allow appropriate decision-making flexibility for purchasing staff to function effectively in the public’s interest.

Program Policy

Clearview Library District programs are planned with the District’s Mission and Vision in mind:

Mission: Cultivate Curiosity. Enlighten the Mind. Strengthen the Community.

Vision: We aspire to be a launching point for discovery — creating innovative and adaptive spaces where everyone can explore, imagine, create, and learn on the path of lifelong learning to improve ourselves and our communities.
While we work to meet the needs of the entire community, we focus our resources, opportunities, and experiences in three key areas:

Public Art Policy

In order to enrich patrons’ library experience, the Clearview Library District provides space to display paintings, photographs, and other works of art in district facilities. The space is made available on an equitable basis to all local artists. Artwork is selected and curated by district staff or designee(s).

Artwork is selected using the following criteria:

Social Media Policy

The Clearview Library District staff utilizes social media networks by creating and maintaining accounts that officially represent the Library District. The purpose of these accounts are to promote the Library District’s mission, services, and programming, as well as to provide an avenue for interaction with library patrons.

Posts to the Clearview Library District social media sites will generally be reviewed and responded to during the regular business hours of Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Teen Spaces Policy

The Clearview Library District is committed to providing welcoming and safe spaces for teen patrons (ages 12 through 18) to engage in individual and group activities. Our teen spaces are dedicated areas designed and intended exclusively for teen patrons. Teens can socialize, attend programs, and use library resources in a welcoming and teen-friendly environment.