A Strategic Plan is an important piece in the operation of a library district. The previous strategic plan, which covered the years 2020-2022, sought public input in a variety of ways. For our 2024-2025 planning process, the Library District formed a diverse Strategic Planning Committee with representatives from key institutions and populations within the communities we serve. This includes the Towns of Windsor and Severance, the Weld RE-4 School District, the business and cultural communities, parents, the faith-based community, the active senior population, the Friends and Foundation of the Library District, as well as library board members and staff.
The committee began meeting in June 2023 and held two-hour meetings in June, July, August, and September. In the first session, committee members had the chance to independently and collectively, as part of a small group, identify areas, programs, and services they felt could be added or enhanced within the library district. The second session focused on reviewing what the library district currently provides for our citizens. In the third session, the Administrative Team drafted goals based on the feedback gathered from the first two sessions. In the fourth session, the Administrative Team presented draft goals, including action items, projects, and the designated person or group accountable for their oversight.
Based on the Based committee, there are five areas of focus for the library district in the next two years:
- Increase awareness of the Library District's operations, services, and programs.
- Residents will have an understanding of Library District services, the importance of the Library District to the community, the needs of the Library District, and the governance and funding of the Library District.
- Improve access and visibility of Library District's Explore Kit collection, eResources, and other non-traditional library materials.
- Improve the school library card program to increase access to library resources in Weld RE-4 classrooms.
- Residents will be able to easily find items of interest, both physical and digital, by searching the Library District's online catalog.
- Teachers, parents, and students will better understand the school library card program. Teachers and students will have easier access to library resources through the school card program. Library databases will see increased usage through wider access in classrooms.
- Build and strengthen partnerships with community organizations.
- Partnerships will be formalized with responsibilities and benefits to each party that are clearly understood. New partnerships will be established.
- Community members of all ages will have increased access to an array of diverse programs that enhance their quality of life.
- Programs will be easier to attend.
- Build a library in Severance that meets the needs of the community.
- Community members will be aware of meeting spaces that are available for their use.
- Evaluate the use of Library District facilities.
- The Library District will continue to assess the needs of our growing population.
- The Library District will provide increased access to residents in the northern part of the district.
- Increased use of meeting rooms.
- Newly created spaces will be used as intended or re-invented for uses that will meet the needs of the community.
- Community members will have spaces that cultivate curiosity, enlighten the mind and strengthen the community.