Camp site with boy and ghost reading around a fire

Learning and exploration are essential parts of our shared human experience, and they last a lifetime. Summer Adventure Program — our take on the traditional summer reading program — is one way that we provide engaging experiences throughout the summer months to help foster the joy of reading and lifelong learning in all ages. 

Summer 2024 - Adventure Begins at Your Library!

Get ready for another unforgettable Summer Adventure Program - Adventure Begins at Your Library! Whether you're an avid thrill seeker, a nature lover, or simply seeking an escape from the routine, the Clearview Library District has another unforgettable journey planned this summer for all ages! This year, our program runs from June 3 through August 2, 2024. Register today for exciting Bingo challenges, memorable events, bookish adventures, and win awesome prizes along the way!

Programs & Events

As part of our annual Summer Adventure Program, we provide unique programming and events that revolve around a central theme while also maintaining our regularly scheduled programs -- those offered year-round -- for all ages. In addition, some of our regular events include elements of the summer program theme. 

We can't wait to kick off the summer with you on June 3! Join us for our Summer Adventure Program Kick-off event at the Severance Library (5 Timber Ridge Parkway) from 3 to 6 p.m. for an adrenaline-packed event that's fun for the whole family. 

As the end of the summer nears, we want to thank you for adventuring your way through the summer with us at our End of Summer Carnival celebration (details coming soon) on Saturday, August 3! We'll have festivities for all ages and will announce the winners of the second round of grand prizes. If the weather is inclement for either event, please watch our website for delays, cancellations, and/or rescheduling information.



Summer Adventure Bingo Cards

Our summer adventure challenge is to play Bingo with us! Bingo cards for each age group (Adults, Teens, Children, and Little Ones) contain reading and activity-based challenges for you to complete all summer long. After registering, you will get a confirmation email containing links and details on how to get your Bingo Card. 

You can either print your Bingo card from the confirmation email or by clicking one of the links below, or you can simply stop by the Windsor Library or the Severance Library to pick one up. Bingo cards will include completion instructions and information about how and when to receive prizes, as well as grand prize entry details.


Registration and Bingo Check-In & Prize Pick-Up Hours

Windsor Library
Starting Tuesday, June 4 and running through Thursday, August 1.
Tuesdays: 10 am - 12 pm
Thursdays: 4 pm - 6 pm
No desk offered on Thursday, July 4 (CLOSED) 

Severance Library
Starting Monday, June 3 and running through Wednesday, July 31. 
Mondays: 10 am - 12 pm
Wednesdays: 3 pm - 5 pm
**Dates and times offered are subject to change based on peak check-in periods.


Library Cache Clues

Windsor Children’s Area:
Where inside is it like nighttime?
Above, the starry sky and below, the green grass.
Search for something unexpected that you can open; it’s built into the design.
Don’t think too hard, but look careful so you don’t walk past.

Windsor Adult Area:
In a chamber where echoes yield to hush,
Where silence holds sway and thoughts take flight,
Past the tomb where future blooms are shared,
Lies a trove hidden in shadows broken by a seeker’s touch.  

Severance Children’s Area:
What if you used sunlight like food?
And with some water, you grew and grew?
Beneath you, roots would claw through dirt
Don’t think too hard; this clue isn’t tricky (by which we mean it is overt).

Severance Adult Area:
On the shelves where book options grow,
Tucked behind where small treasures are traded,
Not within books, but where they stand,
The chest you seek lies close at hand.