Women at a table with books

The Clearview Library District Friends & Foundation helps further the library’s mission — Cultivate Curiosity. Enlighten the Mind. Strengthen the Community. — by providing additional financial support that sustains and expands services to our area’s diverse and growing population. The Foundation helps meet existing needs that are beyond the library's current operating budgets and generates new income to increase offerings to our community.

Give Now

The Foundation’s 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt status is a vehicle for receiving tax-deductible contributions. You can designate your gift as being for a specific purpose or for general use and for either immediate or deferred use. Gifts include the following:

  • Monetary gifts
  • Personal property
  • Securities
  • Real estate
  • Retirement plan assets
  • CDs and insurance policies
  • Vehicle donation (contact Louis Beard)

Please consider the form of your gift carefully; you may want to consult with your attorney or accountant before making your contribution.


Get Involved
Volunteers will find a home with the Friends & Foundation. Whether it’s planning a reception for the guest author talk or working the beer tent at Windsor’s Summer Concert Series, they offer both short-and long-term volunteer opportunities. Or, for a longer three-year term, consider applying to become a Friends & Foundation board member and work side-by-side with others who are excited about our future.


For additional volunteer opportunities at the Windsor-Severance Library, visit the Volunteer page.