Child Reading to Dog

Make a big difference in your community and the quality of library services by sharing your time and talents. Join our team of dedicated volunteers today!

Volunteers work side by side with the library staff, keeping the library’s collections in tip-top shape, helping with our outstanding lineup of programs, and working on special projects.

When you volunteer at the Clearview Library District, you’ll be able to:

  • Share your skills and passions with our community
  • Acquire new skills and gain recognized work experience
  • Expand your social horizons
  • Serve in your own neighborhood
  • Keep up with the latest books
  • Help and be appreciated for it

There are several ways to get involved:

Adults (18+)

Adult volunteers may help with a variety of activities at the library, including:

  • Shelving and organizing materials.
  • General straightening, organization, and cleaning.
  • Searching for missing / lost items.
  • Preparing program materials.

Adult volunteers are asked to commit to working two-hour blocks of time at least once a week. For more information, please contact Adult Programming and Collection Development Librarian, Jennifer Bradley.


The Clearview Library District Friends & Foundation is always looking for volunteers to help support the library through fundraising efforts. Learn more.

Teens (12-18)

Teen volunteers can earn credited volunteer hours and gain work experience by volunteering at the library. Teen volunteers may help with a variety of activities, including:

  • Shelving and straightening materials.
  • Helping prepare activities for programs.
  • Assisting with programs and special projects.


For more information, please contact Teen Librarian, Amy McFadden.

Youth Services

If you’d like to volunteer with our youth services department, we’d love to have you! Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age. Volunteers help with a variety of activities, including:

  • Preparing crafts for children programs.
  • Pulling material from the collection for assessment.
  • Assisting with childrens' programming and events, but does not plan or conduct programs.
  • Assisting with the maintenance of toys in the children's area, including wiping toys down and organizing.


For more information, please contact Children's Services Librarian, Becca Sharp.