Displayed along the outer wall of the Children's Imagination Room, next to the Parenting Section, is an ordinary-looking bookshelf lined with clear plastic tubs. These tubs contain one of the best-kept secrets at the library: the Explore Kits collection.
The Explore Kits are our “library of things,” which give you an opportunity to check out items to expand learning, foster a hobby, or support adventure. Kits range from Colorado State Parks Passes and a sewing machine, to robots and a metal detector — and everything in between.
The Explore Kit program began as a way of providing new experiences for our community. We wanted people to be able to take home a little something that could invite them into a new experience, to explore a new idea or concept. Explore Kits help people “try before they buy” a latest gadget, or get into a new hobby without having to get large amounts of gear.
A small staff committee at the library meets regularly to decide what to add to the Explore Kit collection. We're constantly selecting items based on customer requests, programming that we're doing, and trends and needs we see in the community.
To view the Explore Kits, stop into the library or search “Explore Kits” in our online catalog to place a hold.