The Collection Development Policy of the Clearview Library District is intended to guide staff and inform the public of the principles on which the district bases its collection development decisions.

Intellectual Freedom

The collection of the Clearview Library District is intended to serve the diverse needs and interests of the community and therefore contains a variety of materials representing a broad range of subjects and viewpoints. This is in keeping with the library’s mission to Cultivate Curiosity. Enlighten the Mind. Strengthen the Community.

Not all items or resources within the collection may appeal to the entire community and therefore public opinion cannot be the sole guide for the selection. It is part of the district’s mission to build collections for the general public that also services the needs of special population groups within the community.

The inclusion of an item or resource within the collection is not to be considered an endorsement, official or otherwise, by the library, of a particular viewpoint, group, or individual.

Responsibility for monitoring the access of materials and resources by minors rests solely with their parents or respective legal guardians. The library will not act in loco parentis to permit or restrict access.

The library subscribes to the Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Statement, and the Access to Library Resources and Services for Minors Statement. These documents have been approved by the American Library Association.


The library upholds the principle of free and open use for all. Materials are labeled to facilitate organization and retrieval, and not to restrict access or to show approval or disapproval of the contents.

Cooperative Networks

The district participates in cooperative interlibrary loan networks, including Prospector & MOBIUS, to expand the range of materials available to district users while minimizing purchases of lesser used materials owned by other libraries.

Materials Selection

Authority for selection of materials is delegated by the Library Board of Trustees to the Library Director. The Director delegates to staff the authority to interpret and apply the Collection Development Policy when selecting material for the collection.

The following are general criteria for evaluating items and resources for the collection. An item or resource need not meet all of the criteria to be added:

  • Popular interest
  • Local demand (including patron requests)
  • Accuracy and currency of content
  • Critical reviews
  • Literary and/or artistic merit
  • Local significance of the author, creator, or subject
  • Date of publication
  • Price
  • Availability
  • Suitability of format
  • Physical space required for display and storage
  • Suggestions for purchase from library patrons are encouraged and are given serious consideration.
  • Digital Resources

Providing access to digital materials and online resources is now integral to the library’s service mission. The acquisition of digital and online resources, however, can pose unique challenges in terms of licensing access, content controls, and security protections. Decisions for purchase will be based on the same criteria guidelines as those used for physical items, with the added step of working jointly with the IT & Technical Services Department, whenever applicable, to help ensure that integration runs smoothly and the proper data security protocols are in place.

Self-Published Materials

The library purchases books from commercial vendors that fit the library’s materials selection criteria. Author solicitations for the purchase of self-published books are discouraged.

Self-published authors may submit a donated copy of their book for inclusion into our collections. The book must be in good, readable condition. All works are subject to review prior to acceptance, and the library will hold the author’s work to the same standards as those used for collection development.


When spatial constraints allow, the district may accept gifts of both book and non-book materials. Donated materials are subject to the district’s selection criteria. The library reserves the right to repurpose or dispose of any donations not incorporated into the collection.


Weeding, or removal of material from the collection, is an integral and ongoing aspect of collection management. Discarding is necessary to maintain a vital, useful, relevant, well-kept collection.

The following general criteria are used for weeding:

  • Poor physical condition
  • Outdated or inaccurate material
  • Material superseded by newer or revised editions
  • Duplicate material
  • Low circulation (lack of demand)
  • Discarded items will be packaged for resale by a contracted vendor, donated, or displayed in the district’s in-house library book sale.

Requests for Reconsideration

If a library patron, who is a district resident and whose account is in good standing, has concerns about the presence of an item within the collection, they may complete a Request for Reconsideration form to ask for a reassessment of the item’s placement. During the reassessment process, the material in question will remain available for circulation to the general public.

The Library Director will consider the request and respond to the inquiry within a reasonable time. If the complainant is not satisfied with the response, the Library Board of Trustees will conduct a final review. Ultimate authority on retaining, removing, or relocating a challenged item resides with the District’s Board of Trustees.

Adopted August 27, 2015. Revised and adopted May 28, 2020.