National Library Week 2023

Celebrate National Library Week April 23-29, 2023: There's More to the Story

Libraries are full of stories in a variety of formats, from picture books to large print, audiobooks to ebooks, and more. But there's so much more to the story. Libraries of Things lend items like museum passes, games, musical instruments, and tools. Library programming brings communities together for entertainment, education, and connection through book clubs, storytimes, movie nights, crafting classes, and lectures.

Staff Spotlight: Sarah Strawn

Each month, we spotlight one of the friendly staff faces you'll run into at the Windsor Library, Severance Library, or aboard the Bookmobile.

Hometown: I grew up primarily in Hawaii but have since lived in Missouri, Nebraska, and Colorado!  I have found that home exists where and when you need it most, which changes as you grow.

Interests: Reading, Video games, Crafting, Pets, Walking/Hiking. 

Staff Spotlight: Laura Blakley

Each month we spotlight one of the friendly staff faces you’ll run into at the Windsor-Severance Library or on the bookmobile.

Hometown: I was born in the San Francisco Bay Area, but I lived in Phoenix for over 20 years.

Interests: Reading, baking, cozy/casual gaming, history, Broadway, Old Hollywood, exploring my new state with my husband and daughters. 

Favorite Book: Too many! Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, Jane Eyre, Little Women, The Night Circus...