Staff Spotlight: Cayti Weber-Vowell
Each month we spotlight one of the friendly staff faces you’ll run into at the Windsor-Severance Library or on the bookmobile.
Hometown: Greeley, Colorado.
Interests: Reading, crocheting, houseplants, momming.
Favorite Book: Impossible to pick just one!!!
Preferred Superpower: Healer.
Favorite Author: Mary Roach, J.K. Rowling, and Sarah Dessen.
Favorite Vacation Spot: Staycation.
What three people (dead or alive) would you invite to a dinner party? First, I would pick the three people I’m lucky enough to get to eat with every night- my husband Andy, my daughter Grace, and my son Lucas. But, if I was going to pick people I didn’t get to eat with usually, I would choose Audrey Hepburn, Freddie Mercury, and Pope John Paul II.
Favorite Quote: "Fall down seven times, stand up eight," Japanese proverb.
Job at the Library: Executive Director, Friends & Foundation.