Art in the Library! March - May 2024
Mountain Summer Gabriele Bergmann.

Spring has sprung! And with the coming of the new season, the Windsor-Severance Library is happy to host a new series of artists and their work in our Quiet Space Gallery. Four wonderfully talented artists–Gabriele Bergmann, Helga Peiler, Marcella Johnson, and Bee Leek—have been gracious enough to partner with us in showcasing their work in the space from mid-March to mid-May.

Visitors will be in for a visual treat once they see the crisply drawn pen and ink botanicals, richly painted acrylic and oil captures of wildlife, and the vibrantly colorful nature-themed watercolor and oil pastels. This gallery exhibit will be on display until mid-May.
If you are a local artist interested in having your work showcased in our public gallery, we encourage you to fill out an application for our public art submission online or to ask for a print out of one at the front desk.